
René Huwaë is a Dutch cinematographer with Moluccan roots, and a background in post-production as editor, colourist and animator. After his degree at the University of the Arts Utrecht, he has worked on various narrative projects as well as films and documentaries for artists and brands. His first feature film is set to release in 2025.

He loves the dance between camera and talent, whether that’s a precisely choreographed one-taker, or reacting to an actors’ subtle change in expression, amplifying their emotions.

Virtual production

With his experience in compositing and 2D and 3D animation, virtual productions on a LED volume were the natural progression, in which he is currently exploring new possibilities to blend the virtual- and non-virtual world on set.

Gear and travel

  • ARRI ALEXA 35 owner and operator.

  • Full gear list available on request.

  • Based in The Netherlands, but available worldwide.


T:    +31(0)640305502
E:    info@renehuwae.com